Massachusetts Institute of Technology - I’m currently working as a Software Developer on a team at MIT focused on workforce training and development for advanced manufacturing.
Personal Projects
Education Exposure VR - Virtual reality experience to held children manage anxiety about returning to school after long absences.
360 No Scope Arena - Multiplayer FPS game based around the infamous “360 no scope” trick shot. ⠀
Every Penny Count - Light-hearted wage tracking application for mobile devices.
ARticulate - Augmented reality application that allows museumgoers to share their thoughts and connect by annotating painting or other works in 3D space and viewing annotations left by other visitors.
Ablation Cascade VR - Arcade style virtual reality game inspired by Beat Saber and Asteroids. Players must fend off increasingly difficult waves of space debris with whatever tools they can find.
Augmented Business Card - Augmented reality application built to work with my business card creating a 3D animation and displaying additional information not on the physical card.